We are an experienced team of revenue focused innovators that believe success is based on tangible results. It is the fundamental principle that drives our mission to provide clients with effective sales intelligence, including LinkedIn marketing services. Face it, digital selling tools work, but its more than learning how to use LinkedIn or knowing how to apply the LinkedIn best practices for business. As a lead generation agency, we employ a unique combination of holistic account based marketing techniques, customer centric methodology, leading edge technologies and a unified team of industry experienced resources to ensure our clients’ success.
Stacked with knowledge acquired while working with 50 of the largest technology companies in the world, along with their distributors, channels and alliances, clients find continued success in leveraging our expertise in target account penetration by utilizing our unique LinkedIn digital marketing strategy. We will drive results and supply answers to questions regarding what is sales intelligence, how to get the most from LinkedIn and how to best integrate social media into revenue generation campaigns.
In addition to knowing why you should use LinkedIn, we understand that customers only do business with people they trust and by developing a comprehensive LinkedIn marketing strategy addressing the differences of social selling vs. social media marketing, we build the trust necessary to grow each business. Of course, as our clients quickly learn how effective our campaign solutions can be, it’s a win-win for everyone since smart clients are our best clients who understand why service marketing is important and how to get the most out of LinkedIn Premium.
Our DNA Demand Generation Account Based Marketing process is a truly holistic account based marketing plan designed by industry experienced sales executives who have a long track record of successfully building relationships based on trust and value to drive qualified sales. We also offer the best-in-class LinkedIn marketing lead generation services and offer DNA Consulting including Sales & Marketing Revenue Attribution & Alignment and Holistic ABM process training.